Monday, November 17, 2008

Who's got time?

It amazes me every time I read Charles blog.
He has videos, pictures, typing, more videos and more pictures.
He does this for a bunch of stories every day!
I can't even find the time to get my Dr. Seuss blog started the way I want to do it?
Is it building reader's suspense or just making you ignore me? I would say ignore.
I know I said this last week (or the week before) but Dr. Seuss IS coming. I swear.
It's just that I want it to be great so I have to get the perfect time to do it.
Until then I'll just read Charles' blog and marvel at him. You should too.
He doesn't have twin sons who have started another season of hockey and take music lessons.
Or, Charles isn't on local Council and the school PSSC and Home and School Association.
Heck, that guy doesn't even have a phone to ring and interrupt him in the middle of trying to do something!
Whenever I need to contact him I have to send an email and hope he's near his computer!
I'll tell you something though.
I do what I can in my way to save the world bit by bit. It's not always fighting the forces of evil. Most of the time it's using my superpowers to build things the way I think they should be built for the future citizens of Earth, or at least New Maryland.
I am Big Mouth Man.
My fight for the train station is best fought mouthing off to the media.
I fight on Council by saying things that I want to say.
At the school I say what I feel to affect the policies of the school.
I am a superhero.

Charles and I are so much alike it's scary.
He fights evil and corruption where he sees it.
Charles patrols the City of Fredericton just the same way as Spiderman patrols New York.
At the first sign of danger he whips out his trusty camera and saves the day!
What a guy!
He is Far Bigger Mouth Than Even Tim Man.

He's a superhero's superhero.

Plus he even has his own comic of him with a cape!

I'm jealous.

Keep at it Charles. We'll clean up this province soon enough.


Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry

1 comment:

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

You are too kind!!


Read the whole thing!!

You hit it on the spot!!

You got two very polite kids...nice wife and a job.

You're on council and that's a busy job.< I sure couldn't do it!!

That's all I do is blogging and I will admit that's it's catching to me.

I need to force myself out the house and lately I'm a little down.

But life continues....

I will continue to be the worst pain in the butt that society has ever witness in the Capital.

I should be arrested very soon but time will tell!!

My Blog is all screwed up!! I tried to upgrad the darn thing and screw up.

Help is on the way I hope!!!!!

Thanks again Tim!!

P.S. Can you just imagine if you were single with no kids???

Me and you the dramatic duel fighting injustice!!!

Nawww...I couldn't fit in a Robin outfit!!!


stay tuned!!!